Tales from Oak Mountain: Crutches Required!

Tales from Oak Mountain: Crutches Required!

For those of you who have been to Oak Mountain, you can attest to the trials and tribulations of the infamous foot bridge. Wobbly, rickety and every drunkards nightmare, crossing the road to perdition maybe easier!  The following story was submitted by Dennis Bryant of Dallas, TX.

On August 11, 12, and 13th of 2000, Widespread Panic played some of their most epic shows of all time at Oak Mountain Amphitheatre.  The sold out 3 night run was one of the most anticipated runs of the entire year!  The week of the show I broke my foot in 3 places placing me on crutches for 3 months.  I had plans to go to the show with some friends from my hometown of Fort Payne, AL.  After breaking my foot I backed out of my plans and sat at home extremely saddened that I would not see the shows and my tickets went to some other lucky fan.  After sitting at home with my foot elevated Friday night I could not stand it any further.  I was going to the show Saturday night come hell or high water.  I had only 1 problem, my friends were nowhere to be found and I already sold my tickets. I packed up the crutches and headed to Birmingham alone with no tickets. 

When I arrived the lot was packed and I was directed to the handicap parking lot and pulled up next to a RV full of kids hanging out having a good time before the show.  They realized I was alone and on crutches and invited me to hang out with them till show time.  One of the guys went as far as helping me find a ticket to the show.  Now I was "in" but had no idea how I was going to maneuver Oak Mountain on crutches, especially the foot bridge! Jason Fisher (one of the guys I hung out with all day) escorted me in making sure I got situated before the band took the stage.  He stayed with me all night and the band played an epic show that went on to be released on DVD.  After the show was over the band played Burning Down The House on the PA and the place went nuts!!  Epic!  Those kids in the RV went on to be some of my favorite friends that I still see on tour every year.  This band brings people together randomly like this all over the world and has been a part of some of my fondest memories!  

Since Dennis submitted his story, the town of Pelham has replaced the bridge. Hallelujah. 

Live at Oak Mountain DVD

Live at Oak Mountain DVD